Enjoy a Free Pass to Knott’s Merry Farm with your 2016 Season Pass

Update: Knott’s Merry Farm Discount Ticket $25. If you want to enjoy the holidays without breaking the bank, I suggest going to Knott’s Berry Farm. We were there over the weekend for a media preview of Knott’s Merry Farm and there was just so much Holiday fun stuff to do.

Update: Avail of Knotts Berry Farm Discount Tickets $37-38

I suggest going this weekend, you can actually get a FREE pass to Knott’s Berry Farm this 2015 when you purchase a Knott’s 2016 Season Pass for only $81. If you calculate going every month plus your free 2015 pass, that’s only $6.23 per visit.

The Iron Reef ride alone is already worth your visit. Or in the case of Merry Farm, the ice skating show alone is worth every penny or I’d even pay more. Check out our family fun day at Knott’s Merry Farm below.


We arrive at Knott’s Berry Farm around 12:30PM and went straight to the Wilderness Hall that is Santa’s Cabin during this time of the year. But we didn’t go there to see Santa, at least not yet. We went there to grab some bavarian nuts to take to the Charles M. Schulz Theatre to snack on while we watch the ice skating show.

But instead of just nuts, we also ended up having cookies and milk. I could get stuck at the Wilderness Hall.. coz’ they also have Boysenberry Nutella crepes and other pastries but we had to see the ice skating show, which is a must see when you go to Knott’s. Like I highly recommend it. You will love it and might even get teary eyed.

Surprisingly, the kids didn’t fall asleep, they still needed their nap. And after the show, they asked to go to Camp Snoopy where all the kiddie rides are at. Took the carousel ride and the train ride then we went to grab some late lunch followed by more rides.

After they were full, it’s time for pictures with Santa. And it was really adorable how our toddler just runs to Santa like he is Snoopy. The lighting for pictures with Santa were really good that someone commented on my Instagram post that she thought it was a postcard, and I’d have to agree. Check out below, they were conversing with Santa after a huge hug.

A photo posted by KATHLEEN // ANYTOTS (@anytots) on Nov 21, 2015 at 5:02pm PST

Since we were already at the Wilderness Hall, and they housed all the holiday food, we sat there and tried all sorts of goodies. I even got some white wine and the hubby ordered a Boysenberry beer that tasted pretty good while the kids ate Snoopy’s face and was quiet ’til it’s gone. LOL!

Besides all the shows and rides at Knott’s Merry Farm. Once it gets dark, don’t miss the Snow and Glow in Ghost Town, yes there’s snow fall at Knott’s Berry Farm. There’s also a Christmas Tree Lighting and Show at Calico Square Stage. I’m sharing with you guys the Merry Farm schedule so you can plan your day at Knott’s accordingly.

Knott’s Merry Farm will run ’til January 3rd. You can grab Knott’s Famous Fried Chicken to go if you run out of time to enjoy it there. Before we headed out, we got some Peanuts souvenirs as stocking stuffers and their Strawberry Shortbread all for myself. Yum!

Check all the Knott’s Christmas 2015 Activities you can enjoy for your visit to Knott’s Merry Farm and let us know how it goes. Follow us on Instagram to get live updates on our adventures.












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