Visit the Queen Mary Princess Diana Exhibit for $16 VS. 32. Check out our previous visit here to the Princess Diana Exhibit at the Queen Mary in Long Beach. You can explore a collection of Princess Diana’s gowns, letters, and other artifacts along with royal-family history aboard The Queen Mary.
Princess Diana Exhibit Queen Mary Discount Tickets:
- Princess Diana Exhibit Queen Mary Discount Ticket $16 VS. 32, Check here
There’s a lot of things to see at the Princess Diana Exhibit Queen Mary. Beautiful gowns, portraits, furnitures, chinas, art works, letters and more. Check out our Exclusive Tour of the Princess Diana Exhibit.
I do want to bring my mom when she’s in town. And bring her to the Queen Mary Tea Room as well. As you all know, I love afternoon tea service.
Visit the The Queen Mary at 1126 Queens Highway, Long Beach, CA 90802. 10-6PM Daily.
Avail of Princess Diana Exhibit Goldstar Discount, check HERE
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